Newtown Park

Newtown Park, shown here in the early 1900s was renamed Collins Park in 1935. Photo and text: Sherry Morris.

The Newtown Park, now known as Collins Park was established about 1887, and was one of the earliest parks in Wagga. It was once referred to by residents as the Bird Park because of the collection of birds in aviaries as well as native animals and duck ponds.

The park is bounded by Forsyth, Thorne, Tompson and Fox Streets and contains an area of five acres (2.135 hectares).

The Palazzi Memorial in the centre was erected to perpetuate the memory of Joe Palazzi from Bomen in North Wagga. Joe was killed in action during the Anglo Boer War on 19 July 1900 at Palmerfontein in South Africa while pursuing the Boer General, Christian de Wet. It was unveiled by the Mayor, George Rudd, on 7 December 1901.

The cannon on the left was originally consigned to the Wagga Borough Council in November 1880 as a time gun to be fired at 1 o’clock each day. It was never used as such but it was used each year on Empire Day and other special occasions. Although a plaque claims that it was used to quell a disturbance between miners and the Chinese at Lambing Flat near Young, this is unlikely. The Royal Australian Artillery Historical Company believes that this gun may have been a six-pounder brass field gun which arrived on the ship Porpoise early 1799 consigned to the NSW Corps. here is a similar gun at Vaucluse. Photo: Sherry Morris Collection

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