In Wagga’s Past – 25 and 50 Years ago.

1st February 2025

  • Gary Williams recorded his 18th State title when he won the Paper Tiger 2000 State Sailing Championships held at Lake Albert.
  • Les Homer, a Wagga milkman for almost 34 years, is making his last delivery this week before retiring from the business.
  • To coincide with commencement of the 2000 school year Wagga City Council began its school zone campaign reminding drivers to look out for school children leaving and entering school gates.
  • Veteran Tolland Cycle Club treasurer, Joe Medau was awarded life membership if the Club.
  • With 23 runs and five wickets, Nathan Carroll was one of the stars in Wagga’s O’Farrell Cup win against Griffith.
  • Riverina Bird Fanciers will hold an inaugural bird sale and raffle at the Police and Community Youth Club in Gurwood Street.
  • Paula Mitchell has been named in the under 17 State netball team.
  • Marketing agent, Chris Fitzpatrick said that 15.6 hectares of Government land adjacent to Charles Sturt University’s South Campus will be going to auction next month.
  • Local public-school teachers voted to continue industrial action over salary and teacher number issues.
  • Judy Davis, Debbie Pascall and Kathleen Ingram from the Wagga Patchwork and Quilters Group presented a cheque to Bev Amery, president of Riding for the Disabled (RDA).
  • A shock $1 million blowout in the estimated cost of upgrading Wagga’s Civic Theatre led to calls from several councillors for the city council to get its act together when estimating the cost of major projects.
  • Returning from injury, Wagga’s Brad Kahlefeldt bounced back to near his best to win an Olympic distance triathlon at Lake Albert.
  • Wagga City Council agreed to pump another $750,000 into Equex netball courts bringing its total commitment to the $1.8 million development to $1.4 million.
  • The Wagga Travel Show held this week at the Bolton Park had more than 60 exhibitors and saw 3382 people visit during the day.
  • Wagga City Council’s manager of tourism services, Luke Grealy said that Wagga tourism has recorded a steady increase over the last five years.
  • Three sets of twins, Alex and Erin Whittaker, Daniel and Michael White and Emma and Amy Derrick started at Wagga High School this week.
  • Wagga City Council is to step up its campaign to encourage Woolworths supermarkets to stock locally processed milk.

  • Miss Australia, Miss Kerry Doyle, visited Wagga and was welcomed to a Civic Reception by Mayor of Wagga, Ald. Dick Gorman as part of her New South Wales tour.
  • Miss Doyle also visited Wagga’s three major clubs and is pictured with President of the Wagga R.S.L. Club, Mr Stan Sadlier.
  • Member for Wagga, Wal Fife, presented a painting of St. John’s Anglican Church by Wagga artist Mrs Elaine Mortimer to Archdeacon K A Osborne to commemorate the 25th anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood.
  • Landscape Architect, Ray Margules, meeting with Town Planner, Sel Rawlings and Parks and Gardens Supervisor, Tom Wood said that Council land on the corner of Bourke Street and Red Hill Road was ideal for a sporting complex and possibly a second swimming pool for Wagga.
  • Mr and Mrs Adrian Harg, owners of the Windmill Café for the past 24 years, have sold to Mr and Mrs Ludewyk Koot and are now planning to travel to their home country, Holland.
  • Minister for Transport and Highways and Member for Wagga, Mr Wal Fife discussed the transport industry at a Wagga Chamber of Commerce dinner meeting held at the R.S.L. Club.
  • The Riverina Australian Football Club Ltd is holding a South Sea Island Night for members and guests.
  • Computer operator, Bill Tipping is pictured with Wagga City Councils new computer which for the first time has printed 9869 Council Rate notices at a speed of one every three and a half seconds.
  • Chairman, Reverend D Mackenzie Baird and Master of the Tulloch Memorial Hostel Mr C S Carmichael said that the hostels fate depends on a revolutionary plan to introduce girl borders.
  • Mrs O Wright of the Wagga Spastic Council accepted a cheque for $100 from Yvonne O’Connor of the Yvonne O’Connor School of Dancing which was the proceeds of the school’s annual Christmas concert.
  • The Liberal party will hold a meeting at the C.W.A. rooms Coolamon to establish a Coolamon-Ganmain branch of the Liberal Party of Australia.
  • The Riverina Australian Football Club Ltd is organising a reunion of older players.
  • Sturt Primary School new enrolments have increased by almost 90% over last year’s figure.
  • Enrolments at Forest Hill school are the highest for several years and staff numbers have risen to six.
  • A total of twenty swimming carnivals have been booked at the Wagga Olympic Pool between 7th February and 19th March.
  • The heat wave which has sizzled the Riverina over the past week is continuing with temperatures expected to top 38 degrees centigrade or 100 degrees Fahrenheit.

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