7th December 2024
Compiled from the Daily Advertiser by the Wagga Wagga & District Historical Society.
25 Years Ago

- RSL State President Rusty Priest will launch a new book, A History of the Wagga Wagga Sub-Branch of the Returned & Services League of Australia 1918-1988 which has been written by Harold Fife and local historian Sherry Morris.

- Christmas on Main 1999 was labelled a great success by River to Rail chairman, Jule Hoy with 2000 people converging on Wagga’s main street to take advantage of the bargains and carnival atmosphere.

- Adrian Wintle has been appointed as the inaugural university organist at Charles Sturt University.

- A middle-aged woman with a scarf pulled over her face produced a note demanding money during a brazen robbery at the Silvalite Service Station.

- The new Commercial Club gaming room and renovated Bistro was officially opened by club president Noel Cook assisted by John Smith, Enid Englebrecht and Jean Fearne.

- Newly appointed East Wagga-Kooringal coach, Robert Stevenson is pictured on a training run at Wagga beach with team members Ryan Miller, David McClintock, Mick Castle and assistant coach Tom Gorham.

- The Gorgeous Girls program was launched by Mission employment to promote self confidence and positive body images for female teenagers.

- Local TAFE hairdressing students including Katrina Morrison and Sarah Day graduated last week.

- With newly elected chairwoman Karenne Connors, Wagga’s Golden Gown Awards is working on changes including a new partnership with Kurrajong Waratah.

- Allana Mason, Skye Williams, Tanya Willis, Christy Baker, Lars Frederickson, Matthew Westerdale, Luke Ryan and Mitchell McCarroll were among those attending the Mount Erin and St Michael’s High School formal held at Joyes Hall.

- In her first year as president, Norma Scott won the Wagga City Leagues Club Women’s Bowling Club singles championship.

- South Wagga Rotary represented by President Harry Wilson and Mick Kerlin presented a cheque for $1000 raised by their charity bowls day to Sister Veronica from the Loretto Home of Compassion.

- The Wagga City Council-owned caravan park which closed in May will reopen on December 20 with a new lessee and will now be known as The Wagga Tourist Caravan Park.
- Firefighters from Wagga and around the State walked off the job for two hours to try to force the State Government to begin new award negotiations.
- A new methadone clinic separate from the main hospital building has been opened at Wagga Base Hospital to help people attempting to overcome drug addiction.
50 Years Ago

- The recently completed Loretto Home of Compassion at Ashmont was officially opened by Member for Wagga, Wal Fife after being blessed by the Bishop of Wagga Dr F P Carroll.

- Queen’s Badges were presented to Debbie Kelly and Kim Francis at the Turvey Park Guide Hall.

- Lynne Martin received top honours at Mt Austin High School’s 11th Annual Speech Night receiving the Wagga RSL Sub-Branch prize for Leadership and the Col Oliver Memorial Prize. She is pictured being congratulated by principal, Mr F Suzor.

- A quarry in Lake Albert Road, on the east side of Willans Hill is being converted into a large park and recreational area.

- The Clef on Baylis Street is advertising “Mixes Up Prices” on Sunbeam mixers.

- Dalgety Australia moved into its new ultra-modern office block on the corner of Trail and Crampton Streets.

- Turvey Park continued their outstanding record when they again won the two main premierships of the Wagga Junior Women’s Softball Association.

- Marie Guest, John Norris and Nancye Rew are pictured as the executive of a new social group called the “Wagga Council for Social Development” which has a particular interest in the balanced growth of Wagga.

- Elders G M – Younghusband are advertising for a married man required as a stockman and general hand for $98.80 per week and free accommodation. His wife must be willing to help 3 mornings per week at homestead for extra hourly wages.
- More than eighty members of the Association of Civilian Widows were welcomed to their Christmas party at the Wagga Leagues Club by President Mrs E Weissel and patron Wagga’s Mayoress, Shirley Gorman.
- Wagga stores including Huthwaites, Woolworths and Coles have been selling bread three cents cheaper but union representatives from Sydney are planning a snap visit to Wagga to stop stores cutting the price of bread or face a delivery boycott.
- Shire Clerk, Ray Laughton said that ratepayers in Kyeamba Shire will face a 23 per cent increase next year due to the present situation of the rural economy.
- The Housing Commission has awarded contracts worth more than $420,000 for the construction of 28 new homes in Wagga.
- Don Ford was elected president of the Wagga Billiards and Snooker Association.
- Riverina College of Advanced Education dominated the grand finals last Sunday to win the men’s and women’s A grade and men’s B grade of the Wagga Amateur Basketball Association’s Spring Competition.
- Wagga construction firm, Siebels Bros Pty Ltd has won a $415,000 contract to erect the new multi-purpose assembly hall at Mount Austin High School.
Membership of the Wagga Wagga and District Historical Society is open to anyone with an interest in the local and regional history of Wagga Wagga, New South Wales, Australia. For more information about us and information on how to join our Society visit our website at https://www.wwdhs.org.au/about-us/members