27th July 2024
Compiled from the Daily Advertiser by the Wagga Wagga & District Historical Society.
25 Years Ago
- Wagga City Council allocated $10 million from the sale of its gasworks towards a new indoor aquatic centre for the city.

- Wagga real estate agent, Wes Russell, called on Wagga City Council to build the new aquatic centre in Glenfield Park rather than demolishing the existing outdoor facility.

- Police Inspector Frank Goodyer, Mayor John Harding and Safer Towns and Cities Project Officer, Melissa Dennison were among those attending a public workshop on crime and safety in Wagga.

- Premier, Bob Carr, presented Michael Knight, proprietor of Knights Meats with an award for safety and excellence in the meat retailing industry.

- District livestock office, Bruce Ferguson and cereal chemist, Malcolm Glennie-Holmes, with more than 70 years combined experience, both retired from New South Wales Agriculture this week.

- New South Wales Environment Minister, Bob Debus, visited Wagga to study Wagga’s innovative approach to tackling salinity problems.

- Wagga financial firm, Ingram-Sutton (AMP) will be major sponsors of the City to Lake run and walk this year with both business partners, Doug Sutton and Pat Ingram also in training to participate in the nine-kilometre event on 12th September.

- Matt Paul, Robert Meyers, Scott Rainbird, Andrew Harmer, Neale Francis and Mark Moore were among those attending the Turvey Park Ball on Saturday night.

- Alicia Purcell, Sheridan Marien and Courtney O’Connor are pictured enjoying the atmosphere of the black-tie ball at the Police and Citizens Youth Club.

- Four new faces, Diana Simpson, Tony Easdown, Joe Solomon and Ray Brown have joined the Wagga Ratepayers and Citizens’ Association Council election ticket led by Cr Kevin Wales in pole position and with Cr Lindsay Vidler and Cr Jim Weeden in second and third position.

- Cr Pat Brassil will be vying for re-election in a joint election campaign with deputy mayor, Dennis Blackett and first-time candidate, Debbie Flynn.

- Georges Turvey Tops Supermarket is selling Pal dog food 700g tins for 89 cents, Coke varieties, 2 litre bottles for $1.79 and Chicken Breast Fillets for $7.99 per kg.
- Wagga City Council voted to retain the current speed limit of 60 kilometres an hour in Baylis Street.
- Wagga student, John Francis received a $6000 boost to his agricultural studies after winning the Prime Wheat Association Ltd’s 1999 Charles Sturt University scholarship.
50 Years Ago

- Members of Wagga’s Greek Orthodox community, including Father Nicholas and secretary of the Greek Orthodox Community, Michael Georgiou attended a special memorial service for Greek Cypriots who died during the recent conflict following the landing of Turkish forces in Cyprus.

- Mr Karl Shearer, Officer in Charge of the Inland Fisheries Research Station at Narrandera said that European Carp had been introduced into the Murrumbidgee River several years ago, mainly for game fishermen but were now reaching plague proportions in some river systems.

- New “Stop” sign regulations at the Gurwood Street-Trail Street intersection are causing confusion with motorists unsure of “who will go first”.

- Mr John Fowler, a Harefield cattleman was presented with the Rural Bank’s 1973-74 Beef Cattle Breeders of NSW championship award.

- Anstice and Makay are advertising mark-downs including fleecy lined work trousers for $5.50, suits from $45 and pullovers from $6.

- Seventy cadets from Wagga High School were reviewed by Group Captain Ansty from the Wagga RAAF Base at the school’s annual cadet ceremonial parade.

- Terry Winton, Valda Smith, June Vincent and Jan Donohoe are pictured cutting the cake to celebrate the S.O.C.I.A.L. Slimmers club first birthday.

- Ted Gray, general manager of Sunicrust presented to Des French, president of the Wagga Sub-junior Rugby League, with a shield and $50 for the best team in the Leagues 12 to 15 years divisions.

- Peter McKenzie and George Gibson from Hillis Ford are advertising as-new used cars, thoroughly workshop tested and covered by a Hillisford full warranty.
- Wagga real estate agent, Mr G J Fitzpatrick, has been appointed chairman of Inland Dairies Pty Ltd following the recent retirement of Mr C W Toy, who remains a director.
- Red Cross long service bars and badges were presented to Mrs Jess Bayliss, Mrs M McMillan, Mrs M Williamson and Mrs Mary Dunn.
- Wagga City Council will spend $100,000 reconstructing one of the city’s worst sections of roadway, Edward Street between Baylis and Docker Streets.
- Chairman of the Wagga Sub-Section of the Motor Traders Association of NSW, Mr Gordon Braid, reminded motor traders that Monday is an award holiday under the Federal Vehicle Industry, Repair, Services and Retail Award.
- Riverina won the NSW Primary School’s annual intrastate Australian Football championship carnival for the third successive year.
- Kooringal High School has started its Miss Kooringal High School Quest which raises money for the school and will be judged by former principal Mr Nethery and Ald H Fife and their wives.
Membership of the Wagga Wagga and District Historical Society is open to anyone with an interest in the local and regional history of Wagga Wagga, New South Wales, Australia. For more information about us and information on how to join our Society visit our website at https://www.wwdhs.org.au/about-us/members