In Wagga’s Past – 25 and 50 Years ago.

March 7, 2025 by Peter Gissing · Leave a Comment (Edit)

22nd March 2025

  • The late William John Hamilton, Alice Zoutendyk, Jill Shephard, Robyn Millington and local band The Mentones all received Premiers Awards during Wagga’s Senior’s Week celebrations.
  • Members of Wagga’s Aircare committee, including Alf Dudley have been cleaning monuments in the Victory Memorial Gardens in preparation for the visit to Wagga tomorrow by the Duke of Edinburgh, Prince Phillip.
  • Mayor Kevin Wales, Kay and Graeme Hull, Daryl and Maureen Maguire, and David and Jane Asimus were among those who welcomed Prince Phillip on his arrival at Wagga airport.
  • RSL Club president, David Gardiner and general manager, Andrew Bell are pictured looking over plans for the clubs new onsite $3 million motel.
  • Pat Kenny, Pat Allen, Pat Stapleton, Pat Mills and Pat Kain were among those joining Pat Fitzpatrick to celebrate Saint Patricks Day.
  • Jim Phillips was announced as the winner of the Daily Advertiser “Thanks a Thousand Community Awards” for his dedication to Riding for the Disabled.
  • Paul Murray, Daryl Maguire, Elizabeth Cooke, Hae-Ran, Don Q Washington and Wagga’s Mayor and Mayoress, Kevin and Gwen Wales were among those celebrating the 25th anniversary of the Wagga branch of the Australian American Association.
  • Tompson Street won Wagga’s Tidy Town Street of the Year award with residents Letty Lockett and Isabel Jones accepting the award from Wagga’s Mayor, Kevin Wales and Tiddy Towns Committee president, Bob Williams.
  • The new national office for clay target shooting in Wagga has recently spent more than $600,000 on renovations and upgrades.
  • Hundreds gathered at Pleasant Hills for the opening of the first community owned and operated hotel in Australia.
  • Wagga doctor, Dr Warwick Huntsdale has slammed the local public hospital system claiming that the waiting list at Wagga Base Hospital is “the longest it has ever been.”
  • Trinity Senior High School principal, Geoff Johnston said that it was easier for school children to buy marijuana than it is for them to buy a packet of cigarettes, and that underage drinking is without doubt the biggest drug problem in Wagga.
  • Thousands of country music fans converged on Wagga’s Music Bowl for a concert highlighted by Lee Kernaghan which raised over $80,000 for the Riverina Radiotherapy Cancer Centre Appeal.

  • Wagga’s Mayor, Ald Dick Gorman, defended the use of sheep to keep down weeds at the Wagga Cemetery after several complaints were received by Council.
  • Wagga City Council has made available, for nominal rental, a house in Trail Street to be used by St Vincent de Paul Society as a facility for deserted wives and widows with families.
  • Wagga Rodeo Club annual open rodeo was held at the Kurrajong Reserve at North Wagga.
  • Work is proceeding to schedule on a new bridge across the Murrumbidgee River which will connect North and South Wagga together with the new saleyards and Bomen and the new Wagga City Abattoir.
  • More than 400 girls and boys, men and women participated in auditions for a School of Arts production of “Oliver” to be directed by Louise Blackett and choreographed by Sandy Santmyers.
  • Hartwig Holden in Baylis Street are advertising the new Holden Gemini developed jointly by GM and Isuzu Motors, Japan and available in 2 door and 4 door models.
  • Mr and Mrs Lionel Robinson of Old Narrandera Road celebrated their Diamond Wedding Anniversary at the Wagga Commercial Club.
  • Mr Bartie Nixon of North Wagga who has lived with his wife, Violet in the same house since 1921, celebrated his 91st birthday.
  • About 70 Riverina school teachers have been instructed in one of Australia’s newest and fastest growing sport, orienteering by Swedish instructor Roland Offrell who was assisted by Wagga’s Rod Dominish who is a four times Australian representative and president of the NSW Orienteering Association.
  • David French, Helen McIntyre and Sally Meech were among those winning medals at the Little Athletics State Championships.
  • Keith Rowe and Barry Sadlier from the Tolland Soccer Sporting Club presented guernseys and soccer balls to Tolland Primary School Sports Mistress, Jenny Currie and School Captain Peter Jollife.
  • The 1975 ABC concert series of five concerts in Wagga has been fully subscribed.
  • Retail stores in Wagga will open for late night shopping on Wednesday rather than Thursday this week so as families will be able to prepare for the Easter long weekend. Stores will also be closed on Saturday morning.
  • A record number of 568 dogs took part in the recent Wagga Kennel Club show.
  • RSL Club President Mr Stan Sadleir reported that the Club made a net profit of $123,412 during the twelve months ending last December which was an increase of almost $20,000 on the previous year.
  • The Kooringal Methodist Ladies Church Aid raised $400 at its recent fete.

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