Charlie Wong Hing – Claire McMullen our Guest Speaker on 28th April

Charlie Wong Hing aOur Guest speaker on 28th April will be Claire McMullen, recipient of a 2013 Movable Heritage Fellowship from the Powerhouse Museum.

Meetings are held at the Museum of the Riverina, Botanic Gardens site, commencing at 7.30pm

Claire will be speaking on Charlie Wong Hing, a Chinese man who found his way to Wagga in the early 1900’s. Charlie became involved in market gardening and selling produce, which is how he met Eric Roberts, with whom he developed a friendship that spanned several decades. The workings of the friendship, its growing strength and lasting legacy are one of the major foundations of her fellowship project.

Because of Easter our regular monthly meeting is delayed one week to 28th April. Come along and enjoy Claire’s presentation.

Visitors and guests are always welcome.



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