From the Daily Advertiser 3rd January 1951. The arrival in Wagga yesterday of the party which is re-enacting the voyage of Sturt and his party down the Murrumbidgee and Murray Rivers was watched by thousands of Wagga citizens.
RVN-2 History
Television came to Wagga when Riverina Television Pty Ltd started broadcasting in Wagga as RVN-2 on June 19, 1964.
25 Years Ago – new Principal at Mt Austin High
The Daily Advertiser reports 25 years ago that Mr Dennis Bishop has replaced Mr Garth Green, who retired last year as principal at Mt Austin High School.
Wagga Gas Works Manager – 50 Years Ago
From the Daily Advertiser, 50 Years ago the engineer and manager of the Wagga Gasworks, Mr C S Krummel was appointed by the NSW Minister for Local Goverment, Mr Morton as a member of a special committee to enquire into the local government gas industry.
50 Years Ago – Kooringal Hotel
From the Daily Advertiser, fifty Years ago in March 1967 work was about to commence on Wagga’s 20th hotel. The hotel to cost $175,000 will be constructed one block off Lake Albert Road adjacent to what will be the new shopping centre at Kooringal.
Miss Wagga Wagga 1948
The Miss Wagga Quest has a long history dating back to 1948 when the first Miss Wagga, Thena Karofilis was crowned Queen of the Flowers by mayor, Les Barrand.
Our next members meeting Monday 20th March
Our Guest Speaker, this Monday 20th March will be Wayne Doubleday, Manager, CSU Regional Archives and University Art Collection who will be speaking to us about local digitisation projects supported by CSU Regional Archives, the Royal Australian Historical Society and your own Wagga Wagga and District Historical Society.
Associate Professor in Drama, Colin Anderson 1992
In 1992 the Daily Advertiser reported that Charles Sturt University-Riverina senior lecturer in Drama Colin Anderson had been granted the title Associate Professor in Drama.
Bob Connolly President NSW Division of Valuers 1992
Wagga valuer, Bob Connolly, has been elected the first country president of the NSW Division of the Australian Institute of Valuers and Land Economists.
Wal Fife cleans bricks
Wal Fife, who represented Wagga Wagga in both State and Federal electorates from 1957 until 1993 is pictured here as a young man and a member of the Jaycees (Junior Chamber of Commerce), cleaning bricks from Edward Street houses which had been demolished.